Friday, October 13, 2006

Jacob Borshard

Remember, back in 1963, when Dad got a new job and you had to move to California and start at a new school? How you met Bobby, Ricky and Drew during the summer before school at the beach? You guys used to surf and skate and play baseball all day long. The way you used to harrass Mr Wong at the corner cafe? Man, those were good times.

Remember the first day of school? When you saw her? Standing at your locker, talking to Bobby, you looked over his shoulder and she was smiling right at you. At you! The room when quiet, everything went in slo-mo, the sun seemingly shining on her only, as she walked towards you, and just as you were about say something to her she hugged that guy behind you. She was smiling at him. Him, Peter Kaczynski. That jerk.

You two, Sarah and you, became friends, and Peter Kaczynski and his buddies would rough you up when she wasn't around. He'd tell you to say away if you knew what was good for you, and you didn't cos she was the thing that was. And then, finally, at the Under the Sea Dance you told her how you felt, and Peter Kaczynski went nuts. He started beating on you, Sarah was calling him an asshole, and, blindly, you swung once and knocked him out cold.

Remember when you walked her home that night? When she kissed you? Remember that? Bobby does.

Jacob Borshard - Grass Stains [MP3] from The Last Brontosaurus
Jacob Borshard - First Girlfriend [MP3] from The Last Brontosaurus
Jacob Borshard - Brains Brains [MP3] from The Last Brontosaurus
Jacob Borshard - 6,000,000 Dead Punks Can't Be Wrong [MP3] from Songs For A Small Stereo

MySpace: Jacob
WebSite: Creepy Bobby More Free MP3s from his amazing album.


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